2 Day - Intro to Precision Rifle
Coming soon.
4 Day / 40 hour Course
Full spectrum problem solving from 10 to 750yds with emphasis on 25 to 300 yards.

Advanced Sniper Sustainment - Law Enforcement
4 Day / 40 Hour Course
*Typically scheduled on a Tuesday-Friday allowing Monday as a travel day for students.
This course is only taught at the CORE Shooting complex in Baker, FL. They have the layout and infrastructure necessary to properly execute this class.
The Sustainment course is designed to maintain and enhance perishible skills already developed in your previous training and operational background.
Full spectrum of weapon use from 25 yards to 300 yards will be covered.
* Approximately 500 rounds of Match Grade ammunition will be needed for this class. Every round will
be sent with purpose.
Emphasis will be on:
* Non-traditional shooting positions. * Rapid deployment and setup. * Obstacle Avoidance
* Setup and executing from irregular surfaces and roof tops.
* Setup and use of purpose built tripods for extended deployment and/or LOS needs.
* At least 6 hours of range time will be using NV in low-light/no-light. This will be split into two nights.
* Multiple target engagement. * Moving target engagement 50 yards to 200 yds.
* Engagements on partial targets behind cover. * Live fire glass shots through auto windshields.
* Engagements on priority targets blended into heavy mix of no-shoot targets.
A multitude of other topics will be discussed and worked.
Range time will terminate with a re-shoot of the short range Proficiency Course that is shot on Day 1.
As with all my Law Enforcement courses, no tactics, stalking or hide building are taught. However the entire course of instruction is presented with such things in mind so that you can implement efficiently.
All of these skill sets should be able to combine and integrate with your other sub-disciplines.
The material and presentation concentrates on building your skill sets and problem solving so that you are flexible, confident and adaptable.
COURSE TUITION: $900.00 per student. * Tuition includes lodging for 4 nights .
Competition Precision Rifle Course -
5 Day / 40 Hour Course
*Typically scheduled Monday - Friday.
This course is only taught at the Sacramento Valley Shooting Center - Sloughhouse, CA. They have the layout and infrastructure necessary to properly execute this class.
Points of Instruction will be geared toward Precision Rifle Competition shooting. Many of the skill sets will also be relevant to field shooting, Law Enforcement, and hunting. This course combines our 1MilRt Intro to Precision Rifle curriculum and our 1MilRt Intermediate Precision Rifle courses into 5 full days of dynamic precision rifle training.
Course curriculum is comprehensive and we will pick up the tempo and pace as the week progresses. Individual skill assessments are made at the beginning and end of this course. Continuous feedback and data is given to the student so that you have something tangible to document your progress.
A combination of lecture/discussion and range time is balanced to insure that each student builds to and meets or exceeds performance goals set for this class level. Each skill set is built upon fundamentals logically layered through each stage of this 5 day course. Ultimately, a full spectrum of the use of your precision rifle from 10 yards to 1000 yards will be covered. .
* Approximately 500 rounds of Match Grade ammuntion will be needed for this class. Every round will
be sent with purpose.
Safe and Efficient Rifle Handling Fundamentals of marksmanship
Gather solid data for your rifle and caliber out 1000yards
Understanding of ballistics Traditional shooting positions
Rapid rifle deployment and setup Hold overs and hold under
Use of ballistic calculators (Kestrels with AB)
Transitioning from different shooting positions
Time management during a course of fire Moving Target Engagement
Multiple Target Engagement Shooting off various barricades and props
Improvised shooting positions Shooting from tri-pods
Discussion and use of today’s most popular gear for Precision Rifle
Mental mindset for competition shooting *Items of class interest
The material and presentation concentrates on building your skill sets and problem solving so that you are flexible, confident and adaptable.
COURSE TUITION: $1,250.00 per student.