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Training Methodology
I strive to ensure a professional and hands on experience.
Emphasis is placed on continuous communication between instructor and student. Students are my clients. As such, each is treated with respect as allowed within my ability to offer a safe training environment for all parties.
Course curriculum is comprehensive and the tasks of each day are paced at a high tempo. Courses are tiered to offer realistic and demanding experience for shooters of all backgrounds and skill levels.
To insure that each class can progress and move through the required exercises, I will try to place prerequisites on each student prior to acceptance into a particular class. Accordingly, if possible I want to avoid placing a novice or beginner shooter in an advanced class as well as avoid placing a highly skilled rifle shooter in an Intro to Precision Rifle class. To do so would be a disservice to both that student and the rest of the class.
I want every student to be challenged and build their skill sets.
Individual skill assessments are made at the beginning and end of each course. Continuous feedback and data is given to the student so that you receive something tangible to document your progress.
A combination of classroom and range time is geared to insure that each student builds to and meets or exceeds performance goals set for each class level.
I am very fortunate to have an extremely capable and talented cadre of Co-Instructors at my disposal. One of more of these instructors may be brought on line as needed to keep favorable Instructor/Student ratios depending on each class size.
P.O.I. can be customized to meet individual agency goals and needs.
The ultimate goal is to have you improve your skill sets by challenging you and pulling you away from your comfort zone. 1MilRt will help build your confidence and your imagination. This in turn will increase your ability to adapt and help you place your shot on demand.
There are many variables in every shooting scenario that are out of your control. 1 Mil Right will put you in control of more so that you can succeed.


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