This course is designed to build skills and educate Law Enforcement snipers to a proficiency necessary to successfully integrate with their team.
This course will deliver a sniper certification to officers successfully demonstrating the training thresholds established as minimal acceptable standards within U.S. Law Enforcement .

5 Day - 3 Night / 50 Hour Course
*Typically scheduled Monday-Friday.
This is NOT just a precision rifle course.
This course will cover observation, reporting and administrative considerations in addition to precision rifle fire under field conditions.
Course curriculum is comprehensive and the tasks of each day are paced at a high tempo. Individual skill assessments are made at the beginning and end of this course. Continuous feedback and data is given to
the student so that you have something tangible to document your progress.
Range time is balanced with classroom lecture to insure that each student builds to and meets or exceeds performance goals set for this class.
We will have 3 nights of Low Light / No Light instruction.
In the Southern U.S. the duration of Daylight varies from 10 to 14hrs depending on the time of the year and the weather. Accordingly, it is my opinion that even a Basic Sniper course should give instruction in night operations to officers training for a role as Sniper/F.O.
I ensure a professional and hands on environment. Emphasis is placed on continuous communication between Instructor and Student.
This class will include presentations by an Eye Physician and an
E.R.Trauma Physician to help educate officers on matters specific to the role of Sniper/F.O.
Favorable student to instructor ratios will be maintained. Because of the P.O.I. and tempo, 1 Mil Right is limiting the number of slots for this course
P.O.I. Outline
*Safety and rifle handling. *Importance of physical and mental conditioning.
* Proper selection, setup and maintenance of sniper rifle system.
*Introduction to ballistics. *Introduction to MOA and MILs. *Fundamentals of marksmanship.
*Fundamentals of Observation and reporting. * Rapid deployment and setup.
*Target detection *Anatomy and shot placement.
*Setup and executing from irregular surfaces, vehicles and roof tops.
* 6 hours of range time will be low-light/no-light with NV. This will be split into two nights.
* Multiple target engagements. * Intro to Moving Targets. * Partial targets behind cover.
* Obstacle Avoidance * Angle shots through glass. *Elevated position considerations.
* Priority targets blended into mix of hostage targets.
*Introduction to tripod deployment.
*Insertion techniques. *Cover/Concealment.
*Structure, Vehicle and natural terrain hide site Selection and Preparation.
*Position sustainment.
*Zero confirmation is made on all rifles prior to departure.
**Many other topics worked and discussed.
All of these skill sets should be able to combine and integrate with your other sub-disciplines.
The material and presentation concentrates on building your skill sets and problem solving so that you are flexible, confident and adaptable.
COURSE TUITION: $850.00 per student.
PREREQUISITES: Full time Law Enforcement, Full time Mil or Reserve Mi. Completion of Basic SWAT school or equivalent.
Students should be comfortable and familiar with all kit while under stress and no light/ low light.
Pre Entry Screening Test - Why?
Pre Entry Screening Test - COF and Target.